Saturday 8 November 2008

On pilfering and posting...

I have been agonising over what, exactly, to write in this first entry for an age. Yesterday I discovered I have received a suspicious message from people on high explaining that they think I am a spam blog (at this point I feel it necessary to insert dramatic music of some kind). Thus, I feel I had better finally come up with something.

Thinking about it, this whole blogging experience seems to have involved much agonising all round. For a start there is that tiny little box which states “Name your Blog” (or something along these lines). The hours! The angst! The amount of times my husband put his head into his hands and cried “I DON’T CARE WHAT SHE CALLS HER BLOG!” generally unto the world.

A name; such a simple thing, and yet, it says so much, no? I could have called it “Rachael’s Random Thoughts about Nothing” – but somehow I fear this would not have inspired the masses to read.

There was an awful moment where I considered delving into my mind and attempting to come up with something witty myself; be thankful this idea was quickly dismissed. With few options left, I decided pilfering was probably the best idea. I hasten to add that I don’t usually think pilfering is the best idea. Anyway, a lyric seemed the only way forward.

Cue further agonising.

After much meeting of head and desk, I opted for the title of a song by the much underrated Warren Zevon. Okay; so maybe not underrated – just more not really heard of. By the people I know, anyway. I was introduced to Warren Zevon by Jonathon Ross; This makes me sound as though I know both Jonathon Ross and Warren Zevon. Alas, it is not so, and I simply listen to Radio 2 on occasion. Upon hearing “Werewolves of London” my husband insisted we rush forth to the shops and buy more of his albums and so here we are, finally arrived at the title of my blog.

We’ll go walking hand in hand
Laughing fit to beat the band
With our backs turned, looking down the path

~ Backs Turned Looking Down the Path,
Warren Zevon

If anybody is still awake now, I commend you. If you are not, you should probably wake up or you are at risk of having the keyboard imprinted on your forehead (I know through bitter experience the pain of peeling ones face off the keyboard to discover “FGHJK” emblazoned neatly over your cheek).

Anyway – There is my first entry.

Here’s to hoping the next one makes more sense….