Wednesday 29 June 2011

Big Society, Big Mistake

David Cameron thinks that the big society will help us all to become better people. He thinks that we will live in a world where people don't need money, because they will all volunteer to work in various public sector places and live off air.

I am a childrens team supervisor within a public library and I would like to mention a couple of the things I do as part of that job. I organise events for children within the library, I run story and rhyme sessions, visit schools to take assemblies and also help run groups for children who don't have very high reading abilities, go to post natal groups to advertise the library and Bookstart, manage staff and work on the shop floor serving customers. This is for the princely sum of £15,000.

What a nice little job, people say to me as I tell them where I work, I bet you get to read a lot of books! And I forgive the assumption, but what worries me is that seems to be the illusion our dear Prime Minister is under. I would like to tell him that it has taken me ten years to be able to do my job up to a standard I am happy with, I would like to tell him that I wouldn't have done that if I weren't being paid to do it.

I am not adverse to volunteers, we use them already to help us behind the scenes but what I am adversed to is people telling me that my job is not worth being paid for. I realise that because of libraries there are children who wouldn't be able to read taking books home with them, people who wouldn't have any access to computers emailing family members abroad, and people who wouldn't have anywhere else to go who are warm and have someone to talk to.

Libraries are not just an elaborate storage system for Mills and Boon, they are a hub for societies, places for people to meet and share their lives, to learn things they wouldn't know,or to find things they are looking for, or do things they perhaps wouldn't do otherwise. You need staff to facilitate these things; how are you going to organise all of that with volunteers? And what are you going to do when your volunteers don't show up? Don't get me wrong, I think a library run by volunteers is better than no library at all it's just that I am fairly certain one is simply a precurser to the other.

Big Society may sound like a wonderful idea in theory, but in practice it will make for a smaller, bleaker society. A society where mums will only be able to go to music sessions with their babies if they can pay for it, a society where older people wanting to learn how to email their children and grandchildren on the other side of the world probably won't get a chance to do it, a society where vulnerable people looking for a place to go to for company won't have one because it's a sunny day and all the volunteers are having ice cream in the park. Basically a world where David Cameron hasn't got a clue what he might be doing to communities in the real world. He may say that the responsibilities lie with the local governments because he didn't tell them where to save the money from, but when you're giving insane figures to people who also run schools and social services, what else are they supposed to do?

Well done, David, you got exactly what you wanted whilst managing to shoulder none of the blame. How lucky for you that we were financially screwed when you came into power, because lord knows you would have done it anyway.

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